Who we are

What is the BrainHelpDesk?

Many people are interested in the brain and want to know how it works. You can find a lot of information on the internet, but this is not always correct. There are many misunderstandings about how the brain works, and some things we simply do not know yet or even experts do not agree on.

The BrainHelpDesk was founded to help find reliable information about the brain. Understanding the brain requires knowledge from many different disciplines, from psychology to computer science and from linguistics to biology. For every question that is asked to us, we look for a suitable expert, inside or outside the Donders Institute, to answer the question. In this way, we try to share scientific information about the functioning of the brain in an understandable way with everyone who wants to know more about it, in understandable language.

We were inspired by the KlimaatHelpDesk (Climate HelpDesk) and collaborate with them.

Who is behind the BrainHelpDesk?

The BrainHelpDesk editors are enthusiastic students and employees of the Donders Institute and the Netherlands Institute or Neuroscience. Do you have a question or remark? Contact us via brainhelpdesk@donders.ru.nl!


All texts of the BrainHelpDesk are licensed under Creative Commons CC BY-NC 4.0 . All copyright remains with the authors.


Read here which data we collect, and how we process them.

Follow us

We post our questions at FacebookInstagram and X


The BrainHelpDesk is 100% non-profit and can only exist thanks to donations, sponsorships and gifts.

Want to donate to keep BrainHelpDesk going? Send an email to the board: brainhelpdesk@donders.ru.nl

The BrainHelpDesk was set up with a Donders Innovation Voucher from the Donders Institute, and was later sponsored by the Donders Institute and by NWO (Aspasia grant (nr 015.021.037) for Fleur Zeldenrust).


Fleur Zeldenrust

Marina Boon

Sarah Schoch

Marlene Meyer

Dirk-Jan Melssen

Jeanette Mostert

Ségolène Bompierre

Sam de Kater

Sjoerd Murris


Joosje Kist, Roelof Segers, Arezoo Alizadeh, Juraj Bevandic, Bryan da Costa Silva, Roel Vrooman, Natascha Roos, Carlo Rooth, Nestor Timonidis, Sarah Tjeerdsma, Melanie de Wit, Lara Dilger

Financiën en partners

Main sponsor

Other sponsors
